Awards/Recognition Committee: What better way to help CTEI than to engage in the acknowledgement and recognition of our members and the amazing work they are doing?
By-Laws Committee: This committee reviews our By-Laws and provides recommendations for amendments during our Annual Meetings at CONNECT.
Conference Committee: The CONNECT Conferences and Tech Expo Committee will provide opportunities for CTEI Members to foster professional development through workshops and presentations, as well as networking with other CTE professionals and technical industry experts. Join the committee that leads this work.
Legislative Committee: The purpose and charge of the legislative committee is to inform membership of legislative issues. Additionally the committee advocates for legislative and regulatory positions that support, enhance and recognize the value of career and technical education.
Membership Committee: Help guide us in ways to recruit membership and ensure we provide the services our membership desires.
Nominating Committee: Be part of the committee who identifies and brings nominations forth for the CTEI Executive Committee.
Professional Development: As the focus for our membership, Professional Development opportunities are critical to CTEI's success, but how do we best provide these to all of our membership? Engage in the conversation on how to provide PD to all membership.
Public Relations Committee: Join in the work to spread the message about the great work CTEI is doing and the success and achievements of our membership.