Serving Career Technical Educators by promoting opportunities for continual personal and professional growth. 

Grant Program

The primary purpose of this program is to provide support to CTEI members for the development of expertise in instruction, discipline, or scholarly activity. These grants will provide support to CTEI members through the individual divisions. Divisions that are in good standing with CTEI are eligible to apply for grants, which will in turn benefit the professional development of their members.


  • A division is identified as having presented its laws and rules of order, which shall be in harmony with the Association and accepted by the Executive Board of Career and Technical Educators of Idaho (CTEI), and has been recognized by the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) as a specific division.
  • A division would be considered in good standing if it follows operation procedures as stated in the CTEI Procedures Manual

Eligibility and Funding

  • All CTEI divisions are eligible to apply. However any single division will receive one award in a fiscal year.
  • Support for faculty development under this grant program includes any combination of divisional in-service activities, which would include meeting expenses, curricular materials or supplies, and speakers.
  • The amount to be awarded in each funding round will be determined by the CTEI Board at its Fall meeting and will be announced as part of the Request for Proposal.
  • Granted funds will be awarded on a reimbursement basis. The request for reimbursement must be completed and submitted to the CTEI Data Manager by the end of the fiscal year in which the award was granted.
  • The recipients of these awards will be expected to make a formal presentation of the activities at the following summer meeting. The CTEI board will work with the division and the Idaho CTE to structure the program to allow for this presentation.

Items NOT Eligible

  • Meals
  • Divisional officer or membership travel expense
  • Tuition or fees for credit bearing workshops

Proposal Submission and Processing

Application Form (<- Click here to download)

The may be accessed and submitted electronically. Proposals must be submitted to the CTEI Data Manager. Awards are limited to one award per fiscal year.

Professional Development Grants are awarded through a review process. All members of the CTEI Awards Committee will review proposals. 

Grant Review Criteria (Be sure to address ALL of them in the proposal)

  1. Direct improvement of professional expertise, in discipline, or instructional activities (70%),
  2. Direct classroom application or benefit to students (20%),
  3. Assessment: How are you going to be able to tell if the use of the new knowledge was successful (10%). Note: The following are suggestions. a) On-site evaluation: formal individual evaluation of the presentation/training including ideas on how it could be incorporated into the classroom; b) Post-evaluation: evaluation gathered by e-mail/mail from those division attendees on successful use of knowledge.

2018-2019 Grant Awards

1) IATA - Travis Edwards, Industry tour of Moss Greenhouse in Jerome on June 18th.  Each teacher will get the opportunity to take a class with these professionals to plant container gardens popularly sold in retail stores.  Grant pays for materials for this workshop.  Each teacher received about $20 worth of greenhouse materials.

2) ICGA - Merry Olson, Industry tour of downtown Boise business on August 8th.  This gives career guidance professionals an understanding what business are looking for in future employees.  Career guidance professionals can make connections and help develop relationships between CTE students and future career opportunities.  Grant money will be used to pay for bus transportation. 

3) ITTA - Harold Nevell, Teacher industry training meeting to be held at CWI on August 8th.  This provides meaningful opportunity for CTE trade teachers to meet with industry partners to network, and discuss specific industry needs of in-coming workers and what new equipment, skills and methods industry is experiencing.  Grant funds will be used to cover transportation costs to CWI.

4) IATFACS - Kaylene Stocking, Provide training to teachers on the Body of Knowledge workshop on August 8th.  Teachers will be trained on this program which will expand on how FCS serves as a foundation for life literacy education to improve students ability to be successful in today's world.  Success in work-life balance and family relationships affect career productivity and success.  Grant funds will help pay for a facilitator, Gayla Randel from Kansas State University to deliver this training.

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