Individualized Occupational Training Association (IOTA)

The IOTA covers teachers doing the Career Exploration and Work Based Learning courses, and possibly Job Shadowing programs.  They may be actual Work Based Learning Coordinators, Career Counselors, or potentially from Business Technology Education or Family and Consumer Sciences fields. 

Individualized Occupational Training students make up about 2% of Idaho’s Secondary population, Naturally, the IOT teachers make up a proportionally similar percentage of Idaho’s CTE teachers.  IOTA came together for these teachers to have some sort of support group, that knows what they’re facing in the different world of Work Based Learning and preparing students for workforce readiness.

President:  Marshall Bautista
Past President:  Julie Stafford (Retired)
Treasurer:  Ambrose Richardson

Link to IOT program page at Idaho Division of CTE

Link to Idaho Leader Initiative at Idaho Workforce Development Council 

    IOTA By-Laws: IOTA_By-Laws.pdf

List of [ IOTA Board & Members ] (CTEI members only) Last updated June 2024

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